Known for its ability to improve the sound of every hi-fi
amplifier in an inexplicable Peter W. Belt style, can those “mystical” Mpingo
pucks do audiophile wonders on the AN214 IC amplifier?
By: Vanessa Uy
It may be have Shun Mook that first made a name for
themselves in the hi-fi world with those “mystical” wooden Mpingo pucks of
various shapes and sizes that inexplicably – as in a mysterious Peter W. Belt
style effect – improves the sound quality of every electronic equipment, tube
or solid-state. But can those “mystical” Mpingo pucks be used to improve the
sound quality of the “lowly” AN214 IC amplifier?
Made from Mpingo – an African Blackwood, a flowering plant
in the family Fabaceae – Mpingo wood is often harvested from slow-growing
African swampwood. Though its harvesting is tightly regulated to avoid
endangering the overall population of this rather rare swampwood, most of
Mpingo’s applications is with those mystical wooden pucks manufactured by Shun
Mook that inexplicably improves the sound of electronic audio equipment
whenever the wooden pieces came in contact with it.
Even though the executives at Shun Mook are yet to roll out
their version of these Mpingo wooden pucks for use with various integrated
circuit-based power amplifiers – like the AN214 – often found in use in
entry-level multi-channel surround sound ready home theater equipment, it might
provide an audible improvement for this family of entry level power amplifiers.
As in perhaps an overall increase in overall musicality?